Celebrating the
Season of Love
February 6, 2024
5:00PM – 9:00PM
Presenting Sponsor

February 6, 2024
5:00PM – 9:00PM
Bring friends, family or your significant other to celebrate the season of love with some arts inspired activities in Downtown Joliet. Downtown businesses are hosting free entertainment, workshops, and food & beverage specials.
Attendees are encouraged to collect entry forms at each participating business they visit. Each completed form entered by 9:00 p.m. on February 6 gives visitors a chance to win an “I Love Downtown Joliet” goodie bag. All entry forms can be submitted at Internode Greenery and Home or Colibri: The Hummingbird Oases before you head home.
Visit all of our participating businesses!
Entertainment: Valentine Photo Opp
Vintage Valentine Venture: Postcards and postage included, 5-9pm
RomCom Bingo with prizes
Soul Journey Gems 6-8pm
Brent James live 7-9pm
Food: Special Slider Menu 5-8 p.m.
The Art of Self-Love: Affirmation Art Station, Guided Meditation and Sound Healing, Candle-making workshop, Panel Discussion (Learn how self-love practices and how creativity enhances well-being). Reservations required for candle-making. $30 for full experience.
Entertainment: Live Acoustic Showcase and 10% off at the store
Entertainment: Art show featuring local artist Tommy Jemilo
Gigi’s Sweets on the Go! will be onsite with chocolate fondue.
Drinks: Chocolate Covered Cherry Frappe/Lavender Chai Latte/Take-out Hot Chocolate Balls
Food: Mini Pulled Pork Sliders
Entertainment: Free mini massage | Live paintings onsite
Drinks: Cash Bar & Rose wine special.
Free admission day.
Entertainment: 5:30pm Edible Art Workshop: Chef Andy Chlebana, Certified Master Pastry Chef
Entertainment: Digital Media Studio will do 3D printed hearts giveaways/tours of the DMS
Join the Adult Services Department in the McGuire Room to create paper mache flowers as a Valentine’s Day gift!
Drinkst: Valentine's drink specials
Food: Valentine's Treats for purchase
Entertainment: Medium | Tarot & Aura Readings | Permanent Jewelery | Reiki Healing
Entertainment: Make a mini "Peak- a- Boo Heart Pouch" Candy provided to fill it.
Entertainment: 21+ Naughty Bingo
Drinks: 21+Drink Specials
Food: Mini burgers, mini italian beef sandwiches, and wings