City of Joliet Downtown Parking (effective 2/20/2024)
The City of Joliet is providing free parking for the customers shopping or dining who park in the city’s Ottawa Street Parking Deck.
The retail businesses and restaurants located on Chicago Street between Jefferson Street and Cass Street will validate parking for customers parked in the City’s Ottawa Street Parking deck. Patrons will be required to bring the ticket they received at the parking deck entrance gate to the business they are patronizing which will then stamp and validate the parking ticket. For more information visit
All decks, lots and street parking are FREE Saturdays and Sundays.
Free parking for yellow handicapped placards ONLY. All other handicapped parking must pay as per lot requirements.
Unless indicated on the table, most of the lots have electronic pay stations that accept cash, coin and credit cards. Pay at the pay station and place your receipt on your dash.
The City of Joliet has approximately 590 metered on-street parking spaces. The hours of enforcement are 9:00am – 5:00pm Monday-Friday. The parking meters are FREE on weekend and after 5:00pm daily. Rates: “Zone A” is $1.50/hour. “Zone B” is $0.75/hour. COIN ONLY. Locations: “Zone A” includes the area of Cass Street / Route 30 and north of Washington Street railroad tracks between Joliet Street and Mayor Art Schultz Drive. “Zone B” includes the area south of Jackson Street and north of Cass Street, between Joliet and Scott Street; as well as, the area south of Cass Street and north of Jefferson Street between N. Eastern Avenue and Mayor Art Schultz Drive.
Parking Lot violations: $30; Meter/ Pay and Display violations: $30; Fire Hydrant/ Fire Lane violations: $75
Pay your parking ticket online by clicking here , or by coming to City Hall or by mailing your ticket payment to City of Joliet, Attn: Customer Service, 150 W. Jefferson St., Joliet, IL. 60432. If you have further payment or how to contest questions please call our Customer Service Department at 815-724-3820, during business hours, or information on Parking Ticket Adjudication Hearings, visit <a href=””>Administrative Adjudication.</a>
The City of Joliet currently has five daily Commuter Parking Lots near the Joliet Gateway Center. The electronic pay stations located at each lot accept cash, coin and credit cards. The majority of the lots are a *Pay & Go type system, simply enter your parking space number, pay your fee and head to the train. For more information on our train and bus station visit Getting Here.
The pre-paid parking proximity card can be purchased at the City of Joliet Collector’s Office, 150 W. Jefferson Street, between the hours of 8:00 am and 4:30 pm, or residents can fill in and print out this downloadable form to complete the transaction by mail for an additional $5.00 mailing fee. Cards may be obtained with a $10 deposit and an additional $10 in pre-loaded parking fees. Once activated, the pre-paid proximity card can be waved in front of the designated sensor at the parking lot’s entry/exit terminals to raise the gates. The cash value on the pre-paid proximity card is automatically deducted at a rate of a $1.50/day when exiting the new lot. Credit can be reloaded onto the pre-paid proximity card at the parking lot’s pay station with cash or credit card. The pre-paid proximity card and entrance into the parking lot will not guarantee a parking space. There will be a free 15 minute grace period upon entrance to allow exit if the parking lot is full.
If you need to park your vehicle overnight, you can utilize the Chicago/ Marion St. Parking Lot located at 55 E. Marion Street. Simply hold on to the ticket that is issued to you as you enter the lot until you return from your trip. Insert that ticket into one of the walk-up pay stations located in the northeast corner of the lot. You will be charged $1.50/day and the machines take cash or credit card. Take that paid ticket and insert it into the machine at the exit and the gate will open. You can also pay at the exit with credit card only.
The City of Joliet has partnered with Total Parking Solutions and Passport Parking to launch the Passport Parking mobile app. This app offers commuters a more convenient way to pay for their parking via smartphone or tablet. Users should note that this app is only available for use in the following select downtown City of Joliet commuter parking lots: Mayor Art Schultz Lot, Rock Island Eastern Lot, Washington Street & Lot, and York Street lot.
The app is free to download for iPhone or Android users, or users can manage their parking online at After making a payment, users can monitor their parking time remaining in the app and even extend their session remotely if needed.
Passport signage in the parking lots will display each lot's zone number and provide instructions for downloading and using the app. The user is responsible for entering their designated parking stall number and zone number. The following are the parking lot zone numbers for the Passport Parking App:
• York Street Lot- Zone 950
• Washington Street - Zone 952
• Rock Island Eastern Lot - Zone 952
• Mayor Art Schultz Dr. Lot - Zone 952
These lots will also continue to offer the cash, coin and credit card options for payment at the pay stations or drivers can use the Passport app as a voluntary option of convenience with a small service fee.
If you have any questions or problems, please call the Parking Superintendent at
(815) 724-4200